Sculptures for the show!
Here is a sampling of the work included in my Sept 5-12 exhibition in the Toronto, Dupont Rail Gallery (address: 1444# Dupont Street unit #10) see invite below for details,( I will be sitting the show )
Catalogue Available now on Blurb Books website
Here is a sampling of the work included in my Sept 5-12 exhibition in the Toronto, Dupont Rail Gallery (address: 1444# Dupont Street unit #10) see invite below for details,( I will be sitting the show )
‘Custos Turtur’ , custodian of a painted turtle, on watch, ready to shy a stone at any perceived threat, her valiant and naive stance against the threatened habitat. sculpted and hollowed painted ceramic.
Took a quick shot of several of the busts on my studio window sill because it almost looked like they were chatting in the sunlight. Trying to give the sculptures life as well as enjoying the rustic textures of the clay and slip glazes.
This is one of the ‘Sculpturevases’, a young child wearing monarch caterpillar colours, another species loosing ground.
My first functional piece, a vase inspired by the decline of the “Rusty Patch Bumblebee”
“Rusty” ( Ode to the rusy patch bumblebee)ceramic, pigment powder, matt medium
The pieces are starting to come together, all rooted in the idea of identifying humans more closely with the environment and species that need our custodial attention to preserve their co-existence on earth. Below is an image of “Dace Dance” 26” tall a hybrid human swimming with the tiny endangered red-sided dace fish.
Very pleased to announce that September 5-12, 2024 at the Dupont Rail Gallery Toronto Ontario I will have an exhibition of my work, including many new and some older pieces.
This is Frondes an unfired piece in process, part human part plant/environment made of earth of the earth.
I now have a few pieces completed so figure I can add a new menu item on the website. I hope to be adding on to this as I create work for an exhibition, details yet to be finalized.
This is an image of Fiametta, inspired by the summer of forest fires, is singed but there is regeneration on the log she is leaning on ( not visible in this image) , a metaphor for the resilience of nature. This is not to say we care for and protect aren’t needed, just that there is hope if we proceed thoughtfully.
I have a second figure on the go, enjoying the challenges of the medium and the chance to learn about a whole other way of approaching my art.
Ceramic Busts, with human and plant-like atributes, an old theme for me and a new media. Here are four of the ‘forest vunerables’ wearing earth suits and plant hair…
A recent commission installed “slip/shift ” measure approx. 10.3 x 4 feet. made up of 5 painted wooden panels with 5 figures suspended over the central panel. An honour, a pleasure and a challenge to work on this for a stunning architectural living space. some photos from the installation process.
A commission related to the “runby” series I worked on, been past this many times , my preferred mood was late afternoon… ‘Palmerston Poet’ oil on cradle board
“Don’t Mess With The Don” Charity initiator Lawrence Warriner, selected me to paint a mural in the side of their 22 x 8 foot train container using the Don Valley Park System as my topic. This charity fosters stewardship of the park including weekend clean-ups that result in removing literally tons of garbage from the valley, native plant restoration among other activities.
Don at dawn 8 x 22ft ( 2.4m x 6.7m) Acrylic on metal hard finish
Some TTC Toronto subway drawings I’ve been doing in my sketchbooks. The challenge is to try to draw in a jiggly moving subway, covertly, with your subjects shifting and/or leaving… keeps it interesting! … (see ‘ink drawings’ on the menu to see more)
inked subway line
Completed this recently
30”x60” oil on canvas
I was given live freeform music to paint with , I had had the chance to listen to some samples of the music and got an urban relaxed jazzy hit off of it… so that idea percolated with me. we were on stage about 35 minutes, so I had to work fast! It was a fun and challenging performance for me!
Sept 20, Main stage At the Niagara Falls History Museum I will be working on a multi- faceted piece over 45 minutes to music created by 2 musicians.
Don't want to describe too much to keep the element of surprise as part of the action...
There will be paint & music and ... surprise!
Looking forward to our show together! we will not be present for the beginning of the show, but back on Aug 18th at 2pm, when Sylvia and I will give short artist talks. The top image is by SJ Whitton , called "Shamhat's Garden" , the bottom Image is a "runby" installation shot.
Don't know if this will go anywhere, but I start with an uncertain plan, an intentionally half baked idea from my sketchbook and see where the process leads...